Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I have an undying empathy for the "underdog".

I am very restricted in funds, so I am not able to buy all local, but if I could, I would... and I try to when I can, because I really love to support local small businesses! 

For instance, when Trader Joes went in, in Salem, everyone got super excited and started shopping there. Do you want to know what my first thought was?

"Awww... poor Lifesource!!" 

Now... contrary to popular belief, Trader Joes does not sell strictly organic products. They do some pretty delicious/cheap wine though, and that's where I buy my wine.

I try to always go to Lifesource for all my organic type stuff, though. I just love to support local and I love how LifeSource is strictly organic products.
(even if my husband won't go there with me, because he says it's a "hippy store") lol

Bigger businesses, like Walmart, etc can afford to sell their products for very cheap, because it is all outsourced and cheaply made, but when you can... do your best to support the local farmer/business!!

Support the underdog! :) 

Friday, September 14, 2012

All or nothing?

There is a new "crunchy" movement. Health/nature conscious people everywhere are taking a stand.

I think this is great. Be natural. Be healthy. 

That being said...

Does it have to be "all or nothing"? 

Some of my crunchy friends can be so judgmental. It's assumed that those who don't adopt some of their practices are either ignorant or they just don't care. 
Isn't that a little harsh????

Let's be honest. It can all be a bit overwhelming!

I like crunchy ideals and try to be as natural as I can, when I can, but I also don't "loose my head" about it. I know that not everyone can do it. It can be expensive and/or a lot of work. 

If you have a friend who doesn't clean with chemicals but can't afford organic, or buys organic but uses bleach, or uses store bought soaps and lotions but filters their water, etc etc..... 

Please don't attack them like a rabid wolf. Every little bit counts
People do the best they can. Yes, they may have read that article about how everything in their home is slowly killing them, but any positive choices to a healthier them, should be praised! 

Of course, I have to add that people who want to go full tilt should not be made fun of, but applauded for adamantly sticking to their beliefs... as long as they are confrontational about them!!!!

Healthy is good. 
Friends are better! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sensory Overload vs Hanky Panky

WARNING: the following blog contains a little bit of "Hanky Panky"

that's right I said hanky panky and I don't regret it for a minute... OK... maybe a little. 

I adore my husband, am incredibly attracted to him, and greatly enjoy our physical relationship. I think it's such a strong, beautiful part of who we are a couple. 

So why do I occasionally say "no"?  

It's really quite simple. 

After a whole day of little hands pulling at me, and grabbing me and little voices expressing their consistent requests and demands, I can feel a little sensory overload by the end of the day. 
I ADORE my job. 
I love taking care of my kiddos. 
I love taking care of my husband. 
I don't find making love a burden in any way. 

But, once in a while, I just want a little... for lack of a better word... "space".  I want to embrace a feeling of "lack of demand" and rest my mind and body. "Recharge", if you will. 

I try not to let this "sensory overload" influence my relationship with him, but it will inevitably creep up from time to time. 


Honey, I love you. Please forgive me for my weaknesses. Don't take them personally... I will always do my best by you!!! :)   

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is my kid OK?

Human nature is prone to competition. Some of us embrace it while others are unsettled by it (like myself). Parenting is no different. We inadvertently pin our children against other children, doing a sort of "comparison shopping". 
Holding our children's skills and abilities against those of other children. Wondering constantly if our kiddo is "falling behind" or "exceeding", based almost exclusively on competition. 

One thing I've learned about having 2 kids is how unique each child is. I know... I know... You're "skimming" this thinking "DUH", but really... 
I am biased, but my children are both bright, social, dynamic, individuals, and yet they have their strengths. 

My son 4 1/2  (always has been)

  • strong "type A" personality                                              
  • thrives on structure and organization            
  • Struggles with speech and verbalization 
  • Learns through visualization                                   
  • Highly Competitive
  • Requires constant verbal affirmation 
  • Exceeds in mechanical abilities and "figuring things out" on his own 
  • Struggles with any form of "pressure"
  • Has difficulty making decisions
  • cautious
  • a "thinker" 
  • Needs his space, sometimes. 

My daughter 19 mo (so far)

  • Type "B"
  • naturally creative (loves music and art)
  • Thrives in communication skills
  • Has a very auditory based memory
  • Very independent 
  • Requires constant physical affection 
  • Struggles with anything mechanical (ie puzzles) 
  • Always knows what she wants
  • impulsive
  • A little woman of action 

My point??? 

They are both brilliant kids, with different abilities. If your child is speech delayed, does that make him any less intelligent???? NO! They just have a little trouble communicating their thoughts. Speech does not determine intelligence.
Rate of learning also doesn't determine intelligence. There are some amazing mothers out there who struggle with "teaching". This does not mean that they neglect their children or their education. I have the most amazing mother a woman could ask for, but when I was little, my mom was intimidated by teaching, so I started school in Kindergarten learning most things that they were teaching, for the first time. I could be being naive but I really don't find my self unintelligent as a result of this. 

My daughter is very effective at communication (as said above). She is 19 months and can often speak in full sentences. She becomes more adept at communicating every day, but she has a really hard time with puzzles and other mechanics. She also has trouble learning things through pictures. She requires speech  mixed with "hands on" instruction. 

Gideon took much longer to form sentences, than Gabby and still at times stammers over expressing things. That kid's mechanical abilities and visual retention, however... is remarkable. I simply hanged posters in his bedroom with basic facts (ie letters, phonics, and numbers) and it seems that he masted it all practically over night when he could see it visualized for him. 

Moral of story? 
If you have a 2 year old who can read novels... great. BUT that doesn't necessarily make them any more intelligent than a 2 year old who is just struggling to speak. :) 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Before you have kids everyone has horror stories to share, which by the way, I think is terrible. How exactly is that helpful???? Like a new mom doesn't have enough to worry about without hearing about the worst possible scenarios that she will face. Sheesh people!

Anyway... so everyone told me about never sleeping again, encountering the foulest of bodily fluids, contending with screaming teethers, never showering again, and never having a moment alone. All of this was greatly exaggerated and if it was nearly as bad as it was described no one  would ever have kids.

What wasn't accurately described to me is the most challenging and yet simple part of being a mom. The thing that all us moms experience but have a hard time putting into words.


It seems like a no-brainer, before you have kids, but it's not quite the same as experiencing it. Every waking moment of every day there will be a pending demand. (It's why us moms learn to adore nap time) If it's not your kids, it's your adoring husband. And, trust me... the worse you feel the more they pile up. It's a running gag around moms that the moment you sit down your family will find it extremely objectionable and pile on the demands. (ie. "I want a drink" "I'm hungry" "Can you get this for me" "Where is this" "let's play games" "I want you to play blocks with me" etc)

"The demand" is the one thing that causes moms to resent their jobs and try to work outside the home, only to realize that it adds to the demand, not decreases it.

Am I complaining??????????


There are some mornings I have to start the day on my knees, asking God to give me the strength to get through the day with grace, discipline, and endurance, but with every demand there are thousands of reasons why I am more than willing to do it. The love I have for these people transcends all challenges, but that doesn't mean that they are not challenges.

So, as moms, let's take a moment to scream into a pillow and then thank God for people who love/need us so much. There will be a time that our children don't need us every waking moment and then we will look back and regret not appreciating being needed.


Thank you, God, for my family. Thank you for their love for me. Please give me the wisdom to appreciate my time with them and give me the strength to take care of them with patience and grace.  Let me never forget that they ARE a gift.