Friday, December 14, 2012

Faith or Wisdom?

This is a very controversial topic with very firm opinions on either side. I'm one of the few "neutrals" on this topic, but being a neutral makes it difficult for me to decide exactly how I feel on the matter. 

The topic? 

This is becoming more of a subject in my mind recently, for two reasons. One is that I have been really enjoying teaching my son, recently. I am doing preschool at home, and it's been great seeing him learn. 
The second reason is that I see where the world is headed, particularly with the recent elementary school shooting and I want to keep my children safe from it, and prepare my children for it. 
There are two schools of thought on this topic and my husband and I have opposite ones. Mine is that I need to keep my kids safe and nurtured at home ("Start children in the way they should go and they won't turn from it"). John has more of a "In the world but not of the world" approach. He believes that "sheltering" them is delaying the inevitable and will make it harder for them to acclimate when they do have to be a part of society. When I present my concerns for their safety he always tells me the same thing; he says that bad things can happen anywhere, and the only thing we can do is give our kids the skills they need and have faith that God will take care of them. 
So the question sort of boils down to faith or wisdom. Do I have faith that God will take care of my kids or chalk that up to being "unwise" and keep them home? 

Making any decision out of fear is not biblical, so I'm kind of at odds with myself. 
Admittedly, we were planning on doing a small charter school, as a compromise, which is likely safer, but in the wold we're in, I'm not sure if it feels safer.   

Is anyone else faced with this dilemma? (keep the language nice and peace-loving)  

1 comment:

  1. So I wanted to do a nice long post about this, but I never got around to it. I guess for me I can think of a zillion (hyperbole obviously) reasons that I wouldn't send my kids to public school and only one reason that I would. The reason that I would is that I am pretty lazy and would love to pass off that responsibility. The reasons I wouldn't are numerous, and I suppose if I ever feel like typing them up I will do a blog post about it and link back to this blog post :)

    Also, Off-topic, I read people are more likely to comment on your blog is you turn word verification off. I did and I have not gotten any spam.
