Sunday, January 26, 2014

Things that make me smile

I'm not going to lie. This week has been a rough one. Considering, however, that I find the attendance of my own pity party quite mundane, I choose to make a list of things that make me smile!

Here we go:

  1. The way Gabby calls her freckles, her  poke-a-dots 
  2. The way my husband holds me and tells me how precious and irreplaceable I am. 
  3. The heart God gave me for people
  4. The sunny days gracing us over the last week. 
  5. The way my silly, giant, dog prompted me to get out bed, this morning, by licking my toes. 
  6. My amazing dad who jumps to my defense and offers to swoop in and save the day 
  7. My loving neighbors who support and help us 
  8. Soft fuzzy slippers 
  9. Early morning cuddles 
  10. My patient, loving friends who always have my back. 
  11. The way Gabby twirls in her tutu
  12. The prideful look my son gets in his eyes when he shows me his school work 
  13. Our loving church 
  14. A warm cozy nap on a Sunday afternoon. 
  15. The way m son tells me that I'm "the best mommy in the world" 
  16. Big slobbery Hercules Kisses (my st bernard)
  17. A community of animal lovers that return the fury member or our family to us safe and sound
  18. the knowledge that soon we will have our plumbing fixed
  19. a warm cup of tea 
  20. Soft yarn and a crochet hook 
  21. Sneaking peanut M&Ms when my kids aren't looking 
  22. my mom who is also my best friend
  23. The sweet and funny stories that my kids tell me 
  24. A warm bath 
  25. A glass of wine 
  26. Time alone with God 
  27. A clean house 
  28. Unexpected kindness 
  29. A good song 
  30. The knowledge that wherever I go, God's already there. 

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