Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Interesting uses for Essential oils

Anyone who uses essential oils has a basic knowledge of their properties. (ie Lavender is healing/disinfecting etc) BUT there are some random benefits of essential oils that you may or may not know. 
Here are few :) 

  1. Tangerine: Great for constipation AND diarrhea  
  2. Rosewood: Helps prevent colds and flu 
  3. Patchouli: Great for travel sickness 
  4. Myrrh: Helps to heal scars 
  5. Lemongrass: Stimulates milk production in nursing mommies 
  6. Calendula: heals diaper rash 
  7. St John's Wort: awesome for sunburns 
  8. Cedarwood: Works well on dandruff 
  9. Grapefuit: Helps with Cellulite 
  10. Jasmine: Helps with labor pains 
  11. Clove: Repels Moths 
  12. Sandalwood: Can help with colic 

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