Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Random things you might not know about me...

For entertainment purposes here is a list of things you may not know about me....

I hate long extended " goodbyes". Whether it be on the phone or in person, it always feels awkward to me. I wish could just either walk out without saying goodbye or just say "bye" and hang up the phone

I have severe (crying, shaking, feel like I can't breathe) panic attacks if I'm running late somewhere. I'm not remotely "type a" but it's ingrained in me that being late somewhere is one of the single most rude things you can do, and it will result in severe disappointment and anger.

I have an explosive temper that I try my darndest to keep under control.

I'm actually afraid of the dark. Go ahead and snicker... I know you want to

    I'm a terrible judge of character, because I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
     There are only a couple of things you can do to make me seriously judge you/write you off. One of them is hurting/neglecting a child and the other is hurting someone I love. I'm a bit protective.

    At 26 (nearly 27) years old, I'm JUST learning to tell people "no".... and I'm still not that great at it.

    I'm utterly fascinated by psychology 

    I am terrible at noticing anything visual. I'm auditory and have virtually NO visual memory. This leads me to a constant fear that I won't recognize someone I know very well (including family) out of context.
    I have absolutely NO sense of direction. Some people just say that about themselves, but really.... if I don't memorize street names, I'm up a creek!

    I am dangerously optimistic. 

    I am ashamed of some of my past choices, but I don't regret them because they lead me to husband and an extra dose of empathy. 

    I am so empathetic that I'm one those obnoxious people that feels inclined to cry around crying people. 

    I can't function without music 

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