Friday, April 13, 2012

Skrew Up Mom

I know I know.. it's been like a year since I blogged... life happens.

That being said.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're the only "skrew up"?
We all put on our best "faces" for church and facebook. We brag about how our 6 week old can sing their ABCs backwards (ok maybe an exaggeration) and make the other moms wonder "wait... is my child behind??? Am I doing something wrong???"

I constantly feel like my son must be the only child in the world who throws occasional tantrums at the worst possible times, has random bouts of jungle cat themed voilent roaring/wrestling, and digs his heels so far in that I have to pull out my mom "crow bar" to get them out.

Then there are those few and far between glorious moments in which I am able to get out of the house and see other mom's in their "natural habitat", and as I quietly observe them, I see them tell their toddlers/preschoolers "no" for the umpteeth time whilst that bulging vein in their temple is looking suspiciously like it will burst. Or I hear them tell me "sorry" repeatedly as they turn an embarred maroon while their child breaks into a volcanic tantrum.
I of course say "Don't worry, I understand".

And believe me.... I do.

I, in fact, am thinking "whew!!! It happens to them too!!"  as evil as that may be. It's truth.

Here's me being real.

I sometimes have long days that end in fast food
I procrastinate laundry way more often than is reasonable
On days that I have to get the house EXCEPTIONALLY clean (ie company for dinner etc) I will occassionally utilize tv and/or computer as a baby sitter.
I can only play hide and seek about 1/2 a doz times before I'm spent (especially since my son always hides in the same place)
I sometimes spend too much time on the computer (particularlly during nap time)
I OCCASIONALLY will take naps while the kids are napping. Especially during teething "seasons"
I sometimes run out of ideas of stuff to do with my kids (especially since my daughter is right at that "trouble" age)
I really hate playing cars (unless a ramp or something similar is involved)
I often avoid social situations due to an underlying inferiority complex and HATRED for competition

But when all is said and done. I sure love being a mom.

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