Friday, December 28, 2012


I hate new years resolutions. I mostly hate them because very few people actually accomplish them, and then they are depressed come the end of the year. Besides, who wants to start the year off thinking about all the things you don't like about yourself/life and end the year being twice as depressed about those same things.
BUT there also no harm in setting goals for oneself, as long as we all, also take some time to just be grateful for... everything.
This year, while my gratitude for a splendiforously blessed life is quite overwhelming, I do plan to "bite the bullet" and make a few new years resolutions.

One: Improve my son's reading skills. He can "sound things out" and figure out very basic words, such as "Mom", "Dad", "Big" etc. I would like him at the point where he can string together basic sentences.
Two: Expand my business so that it is entirely self sustaining, licensed, and working toward profitable, at least.
Three: Become versed enough in my hammered dulcimer to play Christmas songs, next Christmas.
Four: Learn More Sign Language, and teach it to my kids.
All of these things are going to take a lot of work, but I'm hoping that, with God's blessing, I can manage them throughout the year. :) 


  1. Good goals :) I have to work on mine, but I won't get around to posting them until after the 12 Days Of Christmas posts are over. I am procrastinating on my resolutions already LOL

    -Also, apparently more people comment when you take the word verification off of your blog. I did and I don't really get any spam. Plus then I would quit having to decipher the words. I am lazy.

  2. hahaha.
    I love that you're procrastinating setting your new years resolutions!!! lol Maybe that means you should skip it all together.

    Oh. I don't know how to do that.
