Friday, December 7, 2012

The Personal Perception Conundrum

I weigh more than I did last Christmas but less than I did  before I got pregnant with Gabby. I still feel self conscious about the weight difference between this Christmas and last. 
This has, naturally, spurred all sorts of dieting, exercise and general thoughts/actions of self-loathing. I am not a shallow person, but I do have a fragile self esteem. (like most the women in the world) 
The ironic part of this is that my husband is more attracted to me now, than a year ago. Don't get me wrong... he is a smart man. He'd never comment on my weight one way or another, but it's all about the little things that only a wife would notice. 
So, why is that I feel that I need to loose weight? 
That is the question, isn't it?! 

This is the inevitable conundrum. Do I put faith in my husband's perception and not work so hard to fight my body, but instead enjoy his adoration for me? 
OR do I continue in my quest until I reach about where I can become on good terms with my mirror?  


  1. I don't really have any advice for you, but I didn't notice you were heavier than you were last Christmas if it makes you feel better.

  2. Oh and the title of this blog post sounds like a possible title for a Big Bang Theory Episode.

  3. haha.. maybe I watch too much big bang.

    and thanks for saying so. It's probably only 5-8 lbs or so... but it's enough for ME to notice ;) lol!!!

  4. Why do women endeavor to keep up with supermodels, anyway?? sheesh.

  5. I don't try to keep up with supermodels (I would hate for my boobs and butt to fall off just to look skinny). I just want to keep up with my past self. I was there once I should be able to be there again! Except younger me only ate like once a day and walked around A LOT. Older me eats 3-5 times a day, and walks not a whole lot, especially when it is icky outside.

    But I think the general supermodel goal is another sign that women are actually crazy :)

  6. Yeah. I actually have pretty much always weighed the same, so that helps ;).

  7. Or you could follow my blog and knock off the silly "weight game" and just focus on being healthy. :P Pish... i'm right there with you but I'm learning more and more there's no point to it. When I tell people why I'm going to school, 90% have said that they'd prefer a non-ripped coach to a ripped one because it humanizes them. My goal is no longer to be skinny but healthy ... and thinner (since that does kind of go hand in hand). :P LOVE YOU YOU BEAUTIFUL LADY YOU!
