This lead to a friendship with an atheist who adored a good debate. I made it my personal mission to change their mind about God through facts, logic, and well fueled discussion. It was, in fact, a pretty successful endeavor, considering that, in the end, they ended up conceding to the existence and power of God.
There was only one problem.
When we, over time, went our separate ways, they returned to atheism because it was what was comfortable to them. When it came down to it, their mind was convinced but their heart was not.
This experience opened my eyes.
Preaching doesn't work because religion isn't about merely the confidence in the existence of God and Jesus, but instead about a deep relationship.
I can explain why I love my husband. I can, in detail, depict his every loving feature and paint a clear and moving picture of his integrity and love for me.
When I"m done you may be completely convinced of his influence in my life, and believe, without doubt, in my love for him.
Does it make you love him?
Of course not!!
You can't love someone that you don't know and don't have personal experience with.
The only way for you to love someone is for you to personally experience a relationship with them.
It's the same with God. I can tell you how great God is. I can tell you that God is love and explain why he is the answer, and you may even see my point, but unless you "get to know Him", it's only words.
So, in the end... I pray that I can, instead, demonstrate the character of God in things I do. I pray that you can feel his presence in my character and heart.
May I be able to introduce God by demonstration instead of explanation.
Dear Jesus,
Please let my actions and words be of love and truth,
Please allow others to see YOU in everything I say and do.
Dear Jesus,
Please let my actions and words be of love and truth,
Please allow others to see YOU in everything I say and do.
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