Friday, June 29, 2012

Rugrat Thieves!

Those of you who don't know this story. 
A while back, my littlest rugrat got a hold of my keys and chucked them in the trash. We, of course, didn't realize this until after they had already been taken to the dump. 
We were fortunate enough to get another copy for $50.00 (it was originally going to cost us about $300)

So, that being said, you can imagine my frustration when I went to load up the family, Wed. night, only to realize that my key to the van was once again missing!!!!!!! 
It had be snagged right out of my purse, by little hands!!!!!

I moved and took apart the furniture
I dug through the trash and recycling
I went through all clean and dirty clothes
I nearly gave up... exasperated 

Until Thursday night, my son, came casually marching into our living room, holding something in his hand. He reached it out to me and said "Here, Mommy, it's a key." 
Yep! That's right! My son had meandered into his room and found my van key hiding in his toys!
My response?

"Gideon!!! You are my hero!!! Go get yourself a Popsicle!!!!" Which was, of course, met with squeals of delight. 

Then, periodically, throughout the evening, Gideon would tip toe up to me and say
"I found your key, huh?" 
"I'm a good boy, huh?"

My son lives on praise... what can I say? 

sigh of relief!!!

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