Friday, September 14, 2012

All or nothing?

There is a new "crunchy" movement. Health/nature conscious people everywhere are taking a stand.

I think this is great. Be natural. Be healthy. 

That being said...

Does it have to be "all or nothing"? 

Some of my crunchy friends can be so judgmental. It's assumed that those who don't adopt some of their practices are either ignorant or they just don't care. 
Isn't that a little harsh????

Let's be honest. It can all be a bit overwhelming!

I like crunchy ideals and try to be as natural as I can, when I can, but I also don't "loose my head" about it. I know that not everyone can do it. It can be expensive and/or a lot of work. 

If you have a friend who doesn't clean with chemicals but can't afford organic, or buys organic but uses bleach, or uses store bought soaps and lotions but filters their water, etc etc..... 

Please don't attack them like a rabid wolf. Every little bit counts
People do the best they can. Yes, they may have read that article about how everything in their home is slowly killing them, but any positive choices to a healthier them, should be praised! 

Of course, I have to add that people who want to go full tilt should not be made fun of, but applauded for adamantly sticking to their beliefs... as long as they are confrontational about them!!!!

Healthy is good. 
Friends are better!