Friday, August 31, 2012

Cheap Skate Mommyhood

Here are a few simple tips to save money in pregnancy and child-rearing. :) 

Pregnancy and Nursing: 

When obtaining "maternity clothes" stock up on cute little dresses (make sure the material and/or style has some "give")  
This allows you to use them as dresses early on and shirts later on. 
Yoga pants... stretchy black pants are your best friend. You can wear them throughout your pregnancy and after your pregnancy when you are shifting in sizes. 
Don't blow a bunch of bucks on nursing bras. Go get yourself some "Genie" bras. They have them at walmart, and there are $20 for a pack of three. They are not super supportive, but if you wear them with a shelf tank they do fine... they're stretchy and they "V" in the front for nursing. 
Works great for pregnancy when you are "growing" and great for nursing... just "pull it aside".


Always try to get free stuff from friends, but if you can't....

Stained Onesies can make decent burp rags

Girls are the best for clothes. 
If you keep an eye on the neckline you can easily buy things a size or more "big" and have your little girl wear a tshirt as a dress. Or visa versa, you can use that cute casual dress as a tshirt as she grows, just put leggings with it. 
Always buy stretchy pants. When she is little it can be long stretchy pants, and when she grows they become cute stretchy capris. 

Buy jeans with an elastic waste
When they're jeans get too short cut them off, hem 'em (either with a machine or just by hand) and you have cute shorts.  
Don't ever throw away pants because they have holes in them... you can either "re-purpose" them or just let them play in the dirt with them. 

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